Live High Train Low- What’s an athlete to do?

I just came across this study in the literature from a couple years ago

Optimizing Altitude for Live High-Train

Low (LHTL) Training

Chapman et al (2013) hypothesized that athletes living at

higher altitudes would experience greater improvements in sea

level performance, secondary to greater hematological acclimatization,

compared to athletes living at lower altitudes. After

4 weeks of group sea level training and testing, 48 collegiate

distance runners (32 men, 16 women) were randomly assigned

to one of four living altitudes (1780m, 2085m, 2454m, or

2800 m). All athletes trained together daily at a common altitude

from 1250m to 3000m following a modified LHTL

model. Subjects completed hematological, metabolic and

performance measures at sea level before and after altitude

training. Upon return from altitude, 3000m time-trial performance

was only significantly improved in groups living at the

middle two altitudes. EPO remained elevated after 72 h except

in the 1780m group. Erythrocyte volume was significantly

higher in all groups but not different between groups. These

data suggest that a 4 week LHTL altitude camp at 2000m to

2500m is optimal for sea level performance.



Volume 15, Number 1, 2014

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

DOI: 10.1089/ham.2014.1513



Going Public at the American Thoracic Society meeting in SF

For seven years I have been writing and speaking about what I call Resident High Altitude Pulmonary Edema- a clinical diagnosis I apply to children with hypoxia during a respiratory illness with no recent travel. Now I have an opportunity to present my theory to a wider professional audience. I have been invited to present a poster at the American Thoracic Society annual meeting in San Francisco on May 15. This will be a forum to bring attention to a problem I see frequently in children living in the mountains that is not widely recognized or described in the scientific literature. I expect to be challenged and hopefully form working relationships with other researchers who can help us further define this condition. See post on 1/9/15 for further details. I will share the poster here when it is finished.

Oxygen Conditioning: As Easy As Air Conditioning

IMG_0747 (2)

Imagine increasing the amount of oxygen in a room with equipment no more complex than an air conditioner. This is the future of high altitude living. This is already happening in some academic and industrial sites at high altitude, such as mines and research telescopes.   Every one per cent increase in oxygen concentration is like descending 300 feet. An increase of five percent can improve sleep and brain function. This could be important for sensitive populations such as newborns and people in critical jobs where an increase in errors could have catastrophic consequences. British physiologist Joseph Barcroff interviewed residents in 1922 in Cerro de Pasco at 14,210 feet and found decreased cognition he termed “bungling”.  Maybe I should install oxygen conditioners in my office at 9,100 feet!

Information from the Journal of High Altitude Medicine and Biology, Sept 2015. John West

How Long With Low Oxygen?

We frequently measure oxygen levels on people of all ages here in our mountain clinics. We order nighttime oximetry and sleep studies and analyze hundreds of data points reflecting heart rate and oxygen levels over time. When we see someone with a low oxygen in clinic, there may be no way of knowing if they have been hypoxic for hours, days, weeks unless they have an illness with an abrupt onset, like influenza or pneumonia or they just returned from sea level. Babies during the first weeks may have low oxygen with no symptoms, since they are accustomed to this in the womb where oxygen saturations run 40-60 %.

A recent article in the Journal of the American Medical Association studied extremely premature babies at 18 months for adverse outcomes including vision, hearing, cognition, motor, and language. They correlated the degree of disability with the length of time the child was hypoxic during the first few months. One minute of hypoxia seemed to be the cut-off. Now this doesn’t tell us how low or how many but it may be a helpful guide when watching someone’s oxygen or analyzing a sleep study. Shorter episodes may be insignificant long term.

This is a complex article and the children with the poorer outcomes had more episodes of hypoxia at older ages- 9-10 weeks after birth. This could mean that the insult to the brain was contributing to the hypoxic episodes as well as the deficits.


Aging and altitude illustrated

Ever since I moved to the mountains I have been impressed by the number of older adults that pass me up on the trails hiking or mountain biking.

“Altitude is a fitness challenge in itself”, wrote Eric Swenson in the Journal of High Altitude Medicine and Biology May 2015. “Low fitness contributes to events” [altitude illness]

People who live in the mountains usually stay very active, like this hiking group from St. John the Baptist Episcopal church that goes out every week.



Two of these senior citizens hiking at 12,500 feet sleep on oxygen. They are residents living above 9,000 feet.
Two of these senior citizens hiking at 12,500 feet sleep on oxygen. They are residents living above 9,000 feet.




Aging is protective against Mountain Sickness at moderate altitude

A study of 2789 men and 1886 women aged 14 to 85 years old showed a reduced risk of altitude sickness above age 46. The study controlled for age, sex, rate of ascent, final altitude, training status and chemoreceptor responsiveness. Thirty subjects were also evaluated again after a ten year interval.Aging men showed a decreased response to hypoxia with less pronounced desaturation. Men and women had a decreased cardiac response to low oxygen as they aged.

In this article there were numerous citations  of other studies including one that showed an increased risk of severe high altitude illness in endurance athletes.

Jean-Paul Richalet,1,2 and Franc¸ ois J. Lhuissier1,2 High Altitude Medicine and biology June 2015

Pulmonary hypertension may be common in high altitude residents

Summit County cardiologist Warren Johnson is impressed by the numbers of people with elevated pressures in their lungs. “It could be as high as 30 per cent of adults,” he told local physicians gathered at a presentation this week. Symptoms are subtle: decreased exercise tolerance, mild shortness of breath, trouble sleeping, high red blood cell counts. Most people just think they are out of condition or aging.

A study in SpitiValley India of residents living at 9000-13000 ft found an incidence of three per cent with PH.  Dr Johnson suspects this is a highly adapted population with centuries of mountain living.

Diagnosing this condition early with Echocardiogram can prevent serious disability.  Treatment is as simple as sleeping on oxygen

SIDS incidence double above 8000 ft

Dr. David Katz at the University of Colorado reviewed 393000 births between 2007-2012. Of these 80% live between 3000-6000 ft. Only 1.9% live over 8000 ft. Death rates from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome state-wide was 4.2 per 10,000 but over 8000 ft the rate was 7.9/10000.

it is possible that hypoxia is a contributing factor, but there is no research on this. Meanwhile parents are urged to place their babies on their backs to sleep and remove all soft material from the sleep area.

Information and discussion for visitors and residents at high elevations.