
About Christine Ebert-Santos MD, MPS

Dr. Ebert-Santos graduated from the University of Michigan Medical School, completing her pediatric residency at the John Burns School of Medicine in Hawaii and the University of Chicago. Recently she received her Masters in Public Studies in Healthcare Leadership from the University of Denver. She also attended the Advanced Physician Leadership Program sponsored by the Colorado Medical Society and the Regional Institute for Health and Environmental Leadership.

Dr. Chris out for a bike ride between Copper Mountain and Vail in Colorado

In 1980 Dr. Ebert-Santos was sent to Saipan in the Northern Marianas Islands with the National Health Service. There she worked not only as a pediatrician, but delivered babies and covered the emergency room. The nearest referral center was 3,500 miles away, so she cared for newborns and children in the intensive care unit, as well as complex cases such as rheumatic heart disease, meningitis, cerebral palsy, tuberculosis, renal failure, and pneumonia with chest tubes. She also served as Director of Public Health for one year and Director of Medical Affairs for three years.

She returned to Summit County, Colorado in 2000 to join her parents, brothers and sister who had been in the area since 1978. She and her husband, Roque, were seeking more opportunities for their four children, who have all graduated from Summit High and college. Ebert Children’s Clinic was established in Vail and Frisco that year. The Vail office was closed when the Summit Medical Center opened, and she no longer admits patients to Vail Valley Medical Center.

She now continues her practice as Ebert Family Clinic, in Frisco, where she works with four other providers: two nurse practitioners, a cardiologist, and a nephrologist. Her high altitude research has been published, and she and her team of high altitude researchers, including many PA, NP and Medical students from across the country, continue to contribute to the legacy of her various studies above 8,000 ft.

Dr. Chris discussing poop with interns at Ebert Family Clinic

Dr. Chris (also known to her community as “The Good Doctor”, “The Doc”, “La Doctora”) now travels the world on invitation to numerous conferences of medical experts on high altitude health and medicine. Her most recent conference brought her to La Paz, Bolivia, where she met with other renowned practitioners at 12,000 ft. and above regarding the phenomenon of chronic hypoxia.

3 thoughts on “About Christine Ebert-Santos MD, MPS”

  1. Dear Dr. Ebert-Santos
    I am a postgraduate student at Tibet University, I’m also doing research on the effects of hypoxia on people. First of all, thank you for your contribution. I hope to communicate with you.

  2. Dear Doctor Ebert, Though you, I believe have not seen me in your office. I think you could be related to some very awesome people. They are George and Martha Ebert of Breckenridge back in the 90s. I was their paper boy in my 30s. They lived near the old Colorado Mountain College. I am a patient of Doctor Tara. We Love her, especially my wife Sunny. Doctor Tara calls me Superman. Only today I feel like Popeye without his spinach. I just returned from the United Vein Center in Lakewood. Doctor Cocco informed me that 6 of the main 8 veins in my legs are bad. I had a compound fracture 30 some years ago. And Doctor Cocco said I Have two blood clots in my twice broke leg. You perhaps know me from my 20 years at the Breck City Market. I was your grumpy cashier. I would like to come in and see you to be reevaluated. I believe Doctor Cocco. But he could be Doctor Cuccoo for all I know. Right now I am a little distraught. I would say I should make an appointment after I hear from you. Take Care Superman With Tears

    1. Dear Ray, Thank you for reaching out, we are sorry you received this news. Please contact our office ASAP to schedule a re-eval with Tara Taylor. Our phone number is 970-668-1616. Our regards.

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Information and discussion for visitors and residents at high elevations.