April 1 is traditionally celebrated in Colorado’s mountain resort communities as “Gaper Day.” Locals dress in their finest 70’s and 80’s outdoor fashions and commemorate the tourists who stop in the middle of the mountain to stare at the beauty that surrounds us. This year travel is discouraged, so the tourists are gone. Here are some local updates on the pandemic to reinforce these directives from Governor Jared Polis.
One day this week, several residents were intubated and transferred to intensive care in Denver. Physicians at St. Anthony Summit Medical Center have access to an ICU and ventilators, but patients with severe respiratory symptoms and hypoxia have a better chance at lower altitude. Let’s hope the day doesn’t come when the Denver hospitals are full, leaving us no choice but to provide this care locally in our low-oxygen environment.
As of April 3, 29 people in have been hospitalized with COVID illnesses, ranging in ages from 20’s to 60’s. There have been 43 confirmed cases in Summit County, according to the Summit Daily News. It’s here, it’s real, it’s dangerous to all.

EVERYONE LIVING AT ALTITUDE SHOULD HAVE ACCESS TO A PULSE OXIMETER. You can buy this simple instrument at the pharmacies or call Ebert Family Clinic. You don’t need to go to the hospital if you are breathing normally and your oxygen is above 88%. You can call your doctor or the Ebert Family Clinic for a Telehealth assessment and advice. Our nurse practitioner Tara Taylor will be available 7 days a week between 9 am and 5 pm and Dr. Chris will answer calls and texts for parents and children 24/7. We all know to keep washing our hands: the Corona virus hates soap. Don’t touch your face.
And now I’m going to endorse recommendations from New York and other hard-hit locations: wear a mask and gloves when you go shopping. A bandana, ski mask, surgical mask, anything that reduces the spray of droplets from your mouth and the chance you will inhale these from others. We are all wearing gloves to keep our hands warm this time of year anyways.
For your mental and physical health, get outside every day. Walk around your neighborhood. Exercise stimulates the immune system. Sunlight helps prevent depression. Look up at the mountains. Gaze at the stars. Let us all be gapers.

Thank you, Dr. Chris! I have always trusted your medical advice for my children and for my husband and me as well. I worry because tourists are coming to the mountains to recreate. Second home owners are going back and forth. What can we do???
Yes, I agree this is a concern. Hearing about the “hotspots” and that Colorado is moving up the list Prompted me to decide that we can’t have students in our office who come from outside the county. Unfortunately i don’t think there is any civil authority right now stopping people from traveling