A view through low pine trees before a lake at the bottom of green mountains rising into a cloudy sky with a rainbow splitting wisps of pink mist.

­­Avon skin so soft as a mosquito repellent? It’s not just an old wives’ tale!

by Megan Furry, PA-S

The common thought that mosquitos do not live at higher elevations may no longer ring true. With temperatures slowly rising, we are seeing a rise in mosquito populations both at higher elevations and farther north than we have before.1 With the ever-changing climate, mosquitos are having luck finding their ideal conditions with standing water, higher temperature, and humidity at higher elevations.

As of June 27, 2024, the state of Colorado had already seen its first case of West Nile Virus for the year, something that does not usually occur until late in the summer; and in 2023, Colorado dealt with its worst West Nile virus outbreak ever recorded.2 As we are beginning to see more and more mosquitos in our community, people are looking for the best and safest mosquito repellents.

We all know the most common big hitters when it comes to bug spray; DEET-containing bug sprays and those that say DEET-free. If your mom is like mine and used to tell you that Avon Skin So Soft is a great mosquito repellent, I’m here to help you determine if it actually does work. A study published in the BC Medical Journal compared DEET-containing mosquito repellent, Avon Skin So Soft bath oil, and a “special mixture” containing a combination of eucalyptus oil, white vinegar, Avon Skin So Soft, and tap water, against a placebo. They found that both DEET and Avon Skin So Soft protected against mosquito bites significantly more than the “special mixture.” In this study, Avon Skin So Soft was 85% as effective as DEET at protecting against mosquito bites. Looking strictly at the numbers, DEET had 0 mosquito events (both bites and mosquitos landing on the skin), Avon Skin So Soft bath oil had 6 events, the “special mixture” had 28 events, and the placebo had 40 events.3

From personal experience, I have tested out Avon Skin So Soft and its mosquito repellent properties. In August 2019 my best friend and I ventured halfway across the world to Thailand for a post-undergraduate adventure. With limited packing room and a dislike for the smell of bug spray, I brought Avon Skin So Soft body moisturizer with me and was pleasantly surprised with how well it kept the mosquitos away. While I do recall getting just a few mosquito bites during my time there, I will definitely be bringing it with me for my next post-graduation adventure after finishing PA school.

As Colorado is seeing a rise in mosquitos earlier in the season it’s time to check our bug sprays. If you are interested in trying something new, or if you prefer DEET-free products, Avon Skin So Soft might be worth a try. With all of the hype that Avon Skin So Soft bath oil has as an effective insect repellent, the company has made a specific bug repellent line of products that claims to protect against mosquitos, deer ticks, black flies, gnats, and biting midges.

And for our furry friends that tag along with us on all of our outdoor adventures, remember that they too can get bitten by pesky insects. They are still susceptible to mosquito bites as well as ticks and fleas. At altitude we see less ticks and fleas in our communities due to the dry air, however they are still present, so it is important to protect your animals like you do yourself. Some veterinarian recommended tick and flea prevention include Simparica Trio or Nexgard chewables.

  1. Today E. Mosquito Migration: Study Finds More High-Altitude Dispersal of Disease Vectors in Africa. Entomology Today. Published May 5, 2023. https://entomologytoday.org/2023/05/05/mosquito-migration-more-high-altitude-dispersal-disease-vectors-africa-malaria/#:~:text=The%20studies%20leave%20no%20doubt
  2. UCHealth KKM. Colorado records first 2024 West Nile case, after worst U.S. outbreak in 2023. UCHealth Today. Published June 27, 2024. https://www.uchealth.org/today/west-nile-virus-in-colorado/
  3. Mosquito repellent effectiveness: A placebo controlled trial comparing 95% DEET, Avon Skin So Soft, and a “special mixture” | British Columbia Medical Journal. bcmj.org. https://bcmj.org/articles/mosquito-repellent-effectiveness-placebo-controlled-trial-comparing-95-deet-avon-skin-so

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